If any of you have ever read the poem called "The Invitation", you will be familiar with the line that says "I want to know if you can get up weary and bruised to the bone and do wopportunities provided for us to rise up again and again? Perhaps they are an opportunity to practice the power we have to choose again and again and again, so that we become unstoppable and realize our innate ability to love with NO conditions? We need to receive this first for ourselves before we can spread it to anyone else from a genuine pure place.
Uncovering your purpose
Hi everyone,
I'm excited to share this with any of you that have not seen it and for those of you who may be confused about your purpose.
When we trust and say yes to what we love, whether it's gardening, dancing, animals, international affairs, etc., and when we act in alignment with it and co create with that inspiration and within us, not only do we blossom, not only do we raise our vibration, not only are we happier, we are a source of inspiration for others and together, we create a better world.
Cultivating Empowering Relationships (And Cleansing Toxic Ones)
"Shine the light of awareness on your disempowering beliefs and choose to substitute them with empowering beliefs. This way, you will choose love over fear and your path to purpose will become clear." - Sharon Kirstin
I like the quote, but my experience is that often women aren't even conscious of some of the beliefs that are contributing to a feeling of disempowerment.
Or, we may have insights into them, but have still chosen to play it small, disappear and not act on our needs,our wants, our bigger dreams and desires, despite being aware of the ways disempowering patterns are operating.
Cleanse, clear, release, let go
The message that I keep getting as I listen to so many women and grow myself is "cleanse, clear, release and let go." We often cling to familiar thought patterns,behaviors,people and beliefs,even when deep down we know they are not serving our highest good and they are holding us back from our greatness.
Many of you have heard the saying that insanity is doing the same thing and getting the same results.
Commitment to the heart
Committing to living in our hearts and shifting out of mind dominated patterns is challenging to say the least. It's easy to live from inspiration, play and be creative when we are not hurting.
But what if we are hurting? What do we do? I had this discussion with someone today and gave her some quick tips on how to show up for herself when her wounded parts are taking over.
I don't know about you, but it's so easy to resist showing up for those parts.
It's so easy when we are in a good space, but when the pain shows up within us how do we respond?
Are you connected to your deeper beauty?
As we awaken to our unique feminine radiance, it is important to realize the weight of the cultural overlay we have been under the influence of in the patriarchal culture.
It has only been in the last 100 years that women have been rising up and collectively claiming our divine birthright to take our place, have our voice, tap our creative genius and contribute in a big bold way to our evolving world. The weight of oppression is still lingering in our cells and I see the struggle constantly as women feel so depleted and tired of the struggle to be fully who they are in a culture that does not yet fully support the emergence of the feminine power in all it's fullness. The lack of equality of income is just one small example of the challenges we still face as we empower ourselves and one another to birth ourselves and a new world based on the power of love and not the love of power.
Be the change (5 steps)
It is so easy to get lost in mind dominated patterns. When we do this,we disconnect from a conscious connection to our power source within us. As I mentioned in an earlier post, for many years I was in survival mode and I didn't even know I was in it!
I realize it's not easy to get out of survival states, especially if your heart is hurting or if you're feeling traumatized by something that happened in your past or something that's happening right now in your life.
Break free from the silence
It is so easy for us as women to silence our voice, our needs, our opinions, especially when we are in larger group settings.
Do you ever find yourself hiding or being invisible or playing it small so that you won't be a threat to others?Or believing that you don't have much to contribute,feel insecure and start shrinking around others that take up more space? If you see yourself doing this, do you realize you're doing it? Have you ever asked yourself why you are doing that?
The Importance of Rest
While I was practicing yoga this evening, I was noticing that my body was resting in peace. No thinking, just being in the now and feeling the pulse of life flow into every cell.
And then I thought how often we wish that people will rest in peace when they pass from this earth.
Why wait until then? In this fast-paced world, many of us can feel so focused on getting things done that we often forget the importance of resting and the importance of becoming aware of our inner world. And we forget the importance of receiving all the blessings and abundance flowing in right here right now.
Change Your Brain
I have a dear friend that is a practicing Buddhist and mindfulness teacher.
She told me the story of when she was stopped for speeding by a police officer.
She smiled at him and said: "oh thank you so much! You reminded me that I need to slow down!"
He looked at her so surprised and perhaps thought she was a little crazy. I was so inspired by her story!
I would love to be at that point where I give thanks for getting stopped for speeding. And I am up for the challenge if it happens to me. She gave me an example of a way of being that I find beautiful and moving.