Be the change (5 steps)

Good Morning Everyone!

It is so easy to get lost in mind dominated patterns. When we do this,we disconnect from a conscious connection to our power source within us. As I mentioned in an earlier post, for many years I was in survival mode and I didn’t even know I was in it!

I realize it’s not easy to get out of survival states, especially if your heart is hurting or if you’re feeling traumatized by something that happened in your past or something that’s happening right now in your life.

If you are feeling lost in survival, I hope that you find someone who can hold your heart with you so that you don’t feel alone. Life-giving relationships are what allows us to have a corrective experience to get out of frozen states.

As children, many of us became used to not asking for what we needed or disappearing or creating a false persona of strength that hides the vulnerable part underneath that still needs love and needs connection.

And yet, when we consciously choose in the present to create a corrective experience for ourselves,the part that’s frozen and struggling starts to feel a bit of hope inside. That part starts to feel more valued. That’s The first step of getting out of survival mode and making the decision to thrive.

Many of us of us wait for someone to value us, wait for someone to see us, wait for someone to show up for us. But the one we are waiting for is ourselves!

Are you choosing to show up for yourself? Are you choosing to value, love, and cherish yourself, your needs, your dreams and your desires?

Or are you more focused on what you want for or from others? If you find yourself doing that, I urge you to make a mindset shift back to owning the one thing you have control over. That is the power of your choice to create the life you want for yourself.

So if you’re reading this and you are find it challenging to get out of your mind and out of your pain body, or you are still focused outside rather than within yourself,I want to invite you to create connections with yourself and others that will empower you.

It is a sign of strength when we reach out and get the help we need to achieve our dreams, to help us heal, and to get help to unlearn patterns that keep us stuck either consciously or unconsciously.

The moment I become conscious I’m in an old pattern that no longer serves me, I start to free myself and I remember to shift into my heart, into my breath into inhabiting my body fully and being present to the present.
It was a slow process to unlearn patterns and learn new ones, but eventually it got easier and easier.

Eventually, it gets to the point, where you won’t be able to tolerate being disconnected from your heart.

As I mentioned in an earlier post we get better at anything we practice! The goal is always progress not perfection.

One of my favorite sayings is “” be the change”

And imagine, as more and more of us say yes to living from our heart center, when we choose to stop comparing, stop competing, stop being critical, stop being judgemental of ourselves and others,start fearing less and trusting more, and start choosing to receive and give love,what a powerful force for change we can be in this world!

I just read a study, that said that each person has a sphere of influence of about 1000 people!
Can you imagine that? If that’s not a message that each of us is important to the whole, then I don’t know what is!

So if you are ready to truly be part of the change we all wish to see in the world. And if your heart’s desire is to have more peace and love in your life, here is a great place to start:

1.Consciously,set the intention to notice when you’re in survival mode.
If you do this, your subconscious will alert your conscious mind and you’ll be able to realign with your vision for your life much more quickly.

2.Consciuosly seek to notice when you’re touching a place inside you of feeling grateful, feeling blessed,feeling fulfilled, feeling alive, light and free, feeling loving, feeling loved, etc.
Because those sensations are often experienced as a quiet well being,they are very easy to miss.

3. Consciously choose everyday to cultivate compassion for yourself and for others. Practice self forgiveness and self acceptance. Make the intention to have a judgment free zone in your heart, where no matter what’s going on around you or even inside you, you have a safe space that’s growing in you that you can seek refuge in when life becomes overwhelming. Practice being kind and generous with yourself and with others.

4.Write these positive states in your journal and allow yourself to dwell on these sensations more and more and you’ll start to become more familiar with this realm of being.
Celebrate every step you take as you co create with the best in yourself.
As you do this,you are learning to amplify the experience of abundance and you’ll start to feel yourself expanding and touching a deep sense of vitality within you.

5. Consciously choose to source your life from this Presence within you. Cultivate an interior life and make yourself available to be with yourself and center. Mindfulness, breathwork, yoga and times in nature can greatly assist you in this process.

Remember, if you are unable to do this practice, it is because you are in a frozen state. Or there is so much pain being triggered inside you that you can’t access this realm. Or you’re just too distracted by all the noise around you.

That’s a sign you need time for yourself to take care of you or to connect with others that can help you.

It is a sign that you need patience with yourself to heal and recover. And you need to make a decision to make this a priority in your life.
If you commit to this practice, you will get better at it and in time you will see that you can do this!

Sending you love and as always my deep support for each of you as you cross over into the realm of your precious and beautiful hearts!