Learning to say yes

One way of loving ourselves is to own our creative power and say yes to what we yearn for in our lives. We all want to be happy, but there is emotional happiness that is fleeting and then there is the happiness of aligning with our hearts, listening to what we ache and yearn for and saying yes to taking an action step towards what we want.

The minute we take an action step, our true self leaps with joy! THAT type of happiness is a spiritual happiness of saying YES to who we are and acknowledging our value.

Have you ever made that first phone call or written down a goal or did ONE thing that was in alignment with your big dreams and notice how it felt? If you haven’t, try noticing it. Even better celebrate it! As you do, you will grow spiritually stronger and happier We have a powerful ability to CHOOSE what we focus on and what we do or do not do. Choosing to say yes to what we truly yearn for in our hearts is so important.It helps us to experience lasting and true happiness. THAT is the type of happiness that is not dependent on external events. It is really true that happiness is an inside job!

Let’s all choose to raise the bar and allow more happiness in our lives. Take that action step! Act on an intuition or creative idea. Try something new out of your comfort zone that you always wanted to try, but held yourself back. Move into a fear that has held you back from living more fully.

Much love to you all!