The Power of Choosing to Trust

Hello all!

If you are feeling stuck in survival mode and are blaming others or life, I hope you take a deep breath and realign with your heart and the Power within you to blaze through obstacles that hold you back from living your best life.

Most of us are waking up to the old paradigm and seeing the thought patterns and faulty belief systems that have held us back from choosing to take one hundred percent responsibility for our own lives, our dreams and our current life situation.

If you feel like you slip into victim mentality, STOP, BREATHE AND REMEMBER you are capable and totally equipped to rise to the challenges that life is providing you with. It takes a commitment to choose to practice radical trust that life is happening FOR you not TO you.

I am not saying it is easy. It can be more than extremely difficult at times. But the truth is, we are here to grow, to learn and hopefully evolve THROUGH the challenges. If we choose to say YES to the challenges, we actually become more beautiful and an inspiration to those around us. So everyone wins when we say YES to the opportunities life is providing us with and yes to showing up for ourselves.

We can often feel lost, but what I know to be true is that we are always divinely guided. And usually it is given in baby steps. We don’t have to figure it all out all at once. But if we just align, listen and cooperate, that inner peace will be the sign that you are on the right path for yourself.
I remember reading the book many years ago “Eat, Pray, Love”

When the author Liz knew she needed to get a divorce, there was a scene when she turned within and asked her guidance, “What do I do now?” It was clear she did not know where to start and she was feeling overwhelmed at the daunting challenge ahead of her. The answer that continues to warm my heart as I think about it was: “Get some sleep.”

It is that simple when we are aligning with flow! And what is often unclear is what is next. We are meant to live in the NOW and that is where peace is found. It is our mind that takes us out of trusting and can, if not properly functioning disconnect us from listening to the energy of Source that is always communicating to us. And that message is always LOVING.

So how about practicing radically trusting? The answer is always within. The challenge is to practice trusting the guidance we are receiving and acting on it, even if it is scary, even if it doesn’t make logical sense, even IF we feel resistant.

We CAN trust our intuitions. And it gets easier with practice. Practicing this choice in ordinary actions builds upon itself. It truly leads to the inner promised land of sweet peace that surpasses the mind’s logic and understanding.

I hope you give the practice a try! I have been practicing this (when I remember to and I can forget!) and when I remember to choose to trust, I feel lighter and more childlike, especially when I remember that I don’t have to figure it ALL out! I love that lightness of being and so it inspires me to get even better at the practice! I hope you can start to touch that place inside or deepen the experience you may already be touching. THAT is heaven on earth!

Much love to you!