Be on the Look Out for Love

One of the reasons I love mornings so much is the silence that allows me to draw near to the divine whisper in my heart and receive from that source. This allows me to connect with that LOVE so that my day flows with ease and grace. We are all learning to return to our original divinity and it’s vital that we make ourselves available to that Presence on a more than regular basis.

This is not another thing to do,it’s a way to receive everything you need, so that you can stay in the highest frequency you can hold for yourself and for the world.
That is not easy to do when your mind is restless or we feel cut off from ourselves and from others. Usually that’s a sign that we are hurting or don’t know how to make ourselves available to the source within us. We’ve been taught to look outside rather than within. Or, we are choosing to run away from ourselves, rather than towards ourselves by all kinds of distractions and addictions.

If you observe yourself doing that, please don’t judge it. Practice loving awareness and gently bring yourself back to your breathing, back to the present moment,back to your heart and back to your body. Focus on your heart and Take a moment to reflect upon a blessing or someone you love or someone that loves you. Watch your mind and if it starts to become negative gently bring it back to a neutral, curious and nonjudgmental place.

Even small breaks during the day can be very helpful to tune in and remember that love is here NOW and is all around us and within us.Only WE can allow ourselves to receive the abundance waiting for us. And, in order to do this, we need to say yes to how worthy we are to receive it ,just as we are, not when this or that changes about us. See how powerful we are!

I want to invite you to intentionally choose to say yes to love today in all the ways LOVE wants to pour out to you. And then be on the lookout for all the ways it is pouring in!

We need to have eyes to see and ears to hear and hearts open enough to take it in. Even a small opening is enough to start receiving! Otherwise,we will miss out on all the opportunities that are abundantly pouring out for us. It’s not easy to retrain ourselves to see beauty in all circumstances. And to learn to source ourselves from its Presence every day. Anything gets easier with practice though.

But we’ve got this! We can do it! I’m intentionally committing to this practice today and everyday! I hope you will join me!
Blessings and love to all of you!