The Art of Receiving

As we return to our divine feminine nature, remember that the universe wants has ALWAYS wanted to bless us with endless abundance. As we move through our day, we are either attracting what we want or pushing it away. We say we want more abundance, but we may be blocked from receiving it. I remember over 20 years ago I saw a transformational breath coach. When she scanned my body and breathing practice, she said told me that my breathing pattern indicated that I was not receiving as much as I was giving out. I was surprised by that and I committed to learn the art of receiving and unlearn a pattern that I know was with me since the first moment I came onto the earth plane.

There is a term called “nourishment barrier” and it can start as early as the womb. If we were deprived of “enough” of our mother’s presence, then we start to shut down our ability to receive. As a result, we often go through life feeling blocked from taking in ALL the abundance that is meant for us. It is not about blaming our mothers But it IS a reality that many of us never had enough mothering because our mother’s did not receive all that they needed to thrive. Yes we survive but are we thriving? How do we reverse that pattern and open up to receive?I will share more about that, but for now, just practice the art of receiving and allowing. Allow the sunlight to wash over every cell. Receive a compliment and say thank you, with no “but”. Allow other people to help you. Ask for what you would like or need.

Even these small acts can be uncomfortable if they are breaking an unconscious core belief that “I must not be worth it if I never received it from my mother.”
Nothing could be further from the truth! You ARE more than worthy! You are an original brilliant radiant light! It is one thing to hear that. It is another thing to ALLOW it to come in. Start small and open the divine portal and as you learn to receive, MORE will be given. The Source is asking you to “come, my dear one, let ME love you.” Pay attention to all of the ways that the Source is pouring out today and everyday. It’s time to dissolve the lack mentality that we have all be brainwashed to believe and say “YES” to our divine birthright.

I am practicing too! I would love to hear how it goes for any of you!