“Be yourself, because everybody else is already taken”

Hi Everyone!

I read a quote today that I loved: “Be yourself, because everyone else is taken.”  I would imagine many of you have heard it before. I know I have heard it in the past, but today it jumped out at me!

If we could grasp one percent of our infinite potential and worth, we would be exploding with abundant joy and enthusiasm to wake up everyday and feel so excited about our time here on the earth plane. But often we can feel weighed down by our own baggage and by those that are in a low vibrational place around us when we absorb their energy. That can often send us into a negative mindset about ourselves and life in general.
If you find yourself doing that STOP, breathe and embrace yourself with kindness and love. You just got lost in a trance or separateness from your original essence and the Source you are always connected to and ONE with.

Once we become conscious of this, we can take back our power to choose to love ourselves and change our lens.

That original self love and joy to be here we had when we were little can get so buried in the day to day.
And now it is time to work out way back to EVERY single part of us that got left behind, got stuck in trauma or survival mode, or was brainwashed to believe that we were never enough and inadequate.

That quote reminds me of how sacred EACH of us is. What if we all take a moment and let that quote sink into every cell of our bodies and receive that truth even more deeply into our hearts.
Let those words take flesh in us so, we start to vibrate with the truth of who we are. Then we will be more inspired to constructive action in our lives.

I was at a conference on advanced energy techniques to accelerate the emergence process today. The trainer shared a story about a woman who came to see her who hated everything about herself and her body. I won’t go into details, but her life was so unfulfilling and she was so miserable. The trainer gradually helped her see the sabotage patterns that were blocking her. She helped her connect with the dream that she had always wanted, which was to be a nurse. But she never believed in herself enough to do it.

After working with the trainer, she accessed enough of her worth to go for her dreams. And she did it! She chose to love herself and value herself enough to make that dream come true.And then little by little, she attracted more friends into her life. She started liking herself and accepting her body more. She started to develop other interests like gardening and appreciated all her body could do for her, rather than being locked in self torment and body hatred.

I just loved hearing how she transformed her life from a miserable empty shell of self loathing to manifesting her dream for her iife. And now she is not stopping! We ALL have a place on this planet. We have lessons to learn and a sacred calling. And we can ALL be a light and a help to one another, when we just cannot find it in ourselves to get out of our own way. And we CAN move past our sabotage patterns to realize our dreams.

Collectively, the feminine wounding in our world has held us back. It is not about blaming anyone or anything. We have come so far! But let’s not stop!

I hope this story inspires all of you to take one step even closer to your dream, one even step closer to growing in self love and one step even closer to valuing your original one of a kind essence.

I have never known one person who has regretted making the choice to cultivate self love, kindness, meaning, joy and happiness in their lives! And the best way to do that is to say YES to who we are, to live our authentic self and to go for that dream that may still be unfulfilled within us!

And why not try being ourselves, since it IS true that everyone else IS taken!