Breaking old patterns

Good Morning!

Each of us that has begun the transformational journey could look back and see all of the patterns, closely held beliefs, the stories we told ourselves that kept us in victim mode, or ways we freed ourselves from being lost in the trance of separation and unworthiness, the egoic mind dominated functioning that enslaved us ( and perhaps continues to do in some way) and see how far we have come!

EVERY time we break out of an old pattern, it is cause for celebration! Many of us have heard that “death is a celebration”. That may not make sense to our logical mind at first. But just pay attention to how much freedom, love, lightness and deeper connection that can happen, when we are willing to die to an old pattern that holds us back from birthing our divine self, willing to let go of attachment, wiling to open to the new,willing to embrace fully the moment of the now, willing to practice releasing all judgments about ourselves and others, willing to cultivate a daily devotion to self care and self love, and willing to accept and embrace change as a gift from the beyond. Oh and how can I forget,willing to let go CONTROL.

(That is one of my biggest challenges!) But I love breathing deeply and feeling free and so I have to keep letting go!

The more willing and receptive we are to align with the energy that is showing up for us in each moment, the more we practice trusting it, the more we are willing to go with that flow rather than resist it, determines the amount of freedom, joy, peace, abundance and connection we can experience. When we can look back and see how much the letting go process allows us to glimpse the edge of a horizon of what it can feel like to be truly free, why wouldn’t we want to touch MORE of this infinite realm? Why wouldn’t we be willing to rapidly shed the patterns that no longer serve us and say a more radical YES to all that is waiting for us as we start to envision what is waiting for us?

There are so many reasons why. But it all comes down to the underlying fear and illusion of separateness from the Source that we have all gotten lost in. Once we see through the veil of illusion, then we can choose to return to the LOVE that is waiting for us. When we cannot see what is in our way, then we will continue to feel lost, confused and spin in circles.

So if you find yourself feeling lost, take a deep breath, ask your deepest wisdom what will help you break out of the pattern you are in. Place your hands on your heart. Wait and listen for divine guidance to speak. We have to be willing to quiet the chatter of our mind to listen to the heart’s sweet whisper of such tender love and trustworthy guidance. It will NEVER steer you in the wrong direction. This love truly wants your best and highest good.

When I hear it, I can often feel resistance coming up. The old patterns of logical mind, the part that cannot see how it will all work out, the part that cannot trust that I will truly be ok rush to the surface. Now, I see those parts clearly. I LOVE all of those parts. I would never walk past her without holding her and soothing her. But I do not let her fears hold me back. I hold her hand and we step out in NEW ways. The freedom and joy that results from taking new action steps in align with the divine wisdom allows abundance to flow into my life and I imagine it is the same for you. But in order to do this, we need to be willing to shed the old patterns and jump into the flow of where love wants to take us.

I find it part of the mystery that in order to live fully we must continually be willing to die to anything that holds us back. We have to be willing to embrace fear and resistance and move past it. We can only do this when we feel a secure enough connection to LOVE within us and all around us. If we cannot touch that frequency, we will be frozen in survival mode. That is why the first step is to open up to what you need in order to receive love. Ask yourself that question and the answer and guidance will come.

What old pattern are you being invited to shed right now so that you can live more fully? It can be a very small pattern that you are ready to shed. Start small and eventually you will be able tackle the bigger challenges. I am committed to that practice.

I love knowing that many, if not all of you are doing the same thing! Post your challenges and celebrations! We are becoming spiritually more fit every time we practice. This is what it means to come into your Heartpower!

Remember to celebrate each step you take out of the old form and into the new. Your butterfly nature is happening, each time you do this!