Hi Everyone!
As we are all collectively choosing to live our life in alignment with love, I read a great suggestion that I wanted to pass on to you.
Many of us become so busy with getting things done, I want to encourage you the minute you wake up in the morning to set your intentions for the day. It can be as simple as asking yourself: How can I be more loving towards myself and others? How can I bring love to all of my endeavors? These questions can start to harmonize us with the highest frequency in our heart, the very moment we wake up.
Another intention that is a wonderful way to start the day is to affirm: I choose to get an alignment with love today. I choose to do no harm. (to myself and all of creation. I choose to stop all judging and criticism and practice letting things be. And I choose to live in alignment with the laws of love.
It can be so easy to get into negative thinking and resistance and refusal to stay present to ourselves, especially when difficult challenges occur in our lives. But what if we all started to look at the challenges as a gift? What if we ask ourselves: what am I meant to receive and learn so that I can get the best from this experience and release it in love?
This takes an attitude of willingness, surrender and openness to divine flow. Joy is waiting for us as we let go of the struggle, and shift into our hearts.
Joy is deeper than a passing emotion. It is the state of awakened consciousness where our spiritual eyes are open to see the endless love abundance and infinite possibilities that are always here for us. Even if we start looking for small blessings, our capacity for joy will expand exponentially!
A good way to stay there during the day to is set a timer on your phone and make the intention to do a three minute cycle of deep belly breathing every hour. I guarantee you this will shift your energy and help you stay very connected to this Presence within you. You can also add a mantra. My favorite is: “love is here NOW with me”.
These are just a few ideas I wanted to share with you. I would love to hear from all of you how you are staying in that highest frequency your hearts can hold. We’re all learning and growing together.