The Guest House

This being human is a
Guest house
Every morning, a new arrival
A joy, a depression, a meanness
Some momentary  awareness comes
As an unexpected visitor

Welcome and
Entertain them all
Even if they’re a
Crowd of sorrows
Who violently sweep
Your house
Empty of its furniture
It may be clearing you
Out for some new delight

The dark thought
The malice
Meet them at the door laughing
And invite them in

Whoever comes
Because each has
Been sent as a gift
From the beyond


I have always loved this poem by Rumi. Many of you have read it before. But it is a great one to read often and remember that our inner world is always shifting. When the pain and storms come (and they will) do we let go of resistance and show up for them with a spirit of welcome and compassion? Or do we resist the pain, close the door on our hearts and distract ourselves from our own experiences?

It is so easy to disconnect from ourselves when we are hurting, or when our mind starts racing with all of the shoulds, to do’s and worries.

When this happens, notice it. Where are you? Are you breathing? Are you sending LOVE to all the parts of yourself? Are you feeling numb, frozen and not here? Just notice it and bring kindness to ALL the parts of yourself. Never judge or shame anything you may be experiencing. Never hide, deny or pretend you are fine when you are not.

Coming in to our heart power means that nothing in us is unworthy of our own LOVE, which is within us.

Within your heart, you have access to higher realms of light, power, wisdom and endless compassion. Even if you cannot feel it, it is there and it is important to learn to drink from your own inner “wealthspring”.

If you are feeling alone, unloved, convinced that no one cares about you; if you are feeling overwhelmed, unworthy or less than; if you compare yourself to others, feel a deep sense of lack, emptiness or inadequacy; If you are filled with fear, anger, rage, sorrow, grief, aloneness, feeling out of control or attached to others changing; if you want to judge and blame others, etc. are you willing to welcome all of those parts of yourself with love? Are you willing to see past the illusion of separateness and see that this is all happening FOR you? Are you willing to TRUST in the dark that the light is there and that there is an answer? Are you willing to just let things be at times and go with the flow even when it feels so turbulent within?

Remember, this is no easy task. But I assure you you are so worth finding a way back to all of the parts of you until they are all ONE. No part of you should ever be ignored. Breathe in that truth. No part of you is unworthy of LOVE.

IF you are still in a trance of unworthiness, meet it at the door with a spirit of welcome and laughter. Sit this part down and put your arms around her like you would a best friend. Do not buy into her story line. Embrace her feelings and then quickly list all of the things that are amazing about her. Be your own best cheerleader. And if you are lost in the quagmire of your own illusion, it is time to ask for help from someone that can be present to you, until you master the skill of sailing in deep emotional waters.

You are worth it. WE all are!! Much love to all of you. I am walking this path to ONENESS with all of you. It is my hope for the world that as we become more filled with light and transform ourselves from the inside out, we become new creations and build a new world, one heart at a time.