Hello my beautiful heart powered community!
I couldn’t help but share this beautiful photo with all of you.
I’m glad I took a closer look as I walked past this in my garden. I’m receiving so much from its beauty.
It speaks to me and remind me to tune in to my heart on a continuous basis and see all the beauty around me and within me.
Who would want to miss the splendid miracle?
It is often so simple and subtle, if we are not paying attention we can easily miss the ways miracles are all around us, in all of its diverse forms of beauty.
This can also be true when we fail to notice the miracle WE are and the divine beauty within ourselves and we’re focusing more on our lacks than our inner abundance.
You will never see a rose comparing itself to another rose! π
If you find yourself in that state of unconsciousness, most likely you are depleted, burnt out and exhausted and it’s time to replenish. Or you have forgotten to shift into your heart on a regular basis and remember who you are, WHAT you are ( a cosmic divine being)and what’s most important in your life.
Or, you have yet to acquaint yourself with your true essence and inner divinity.
Or, you are going through a purification process and the darkness that is within you is preparing you for something wonderful in your future, IF you trust your process and do what you need to do to get through it and learn and grow from it.
Nobody is going to come do this for you. So I hope you take charge of organizing your life around everything you need in order to make your well being and emergence your number one priority.
If you find yourself still stuck in survival mode, become aware of it. It has been a familiar state for so long, it’s easy to go back to it,even though you are not happy in it.
No matter how much we have evolved, we are all vulnerable to relapses back to old patterns. Relapses of any type, are an opportunity to master time the practice of kindness and compassion with ourselves and go back to the building blocks of a radical self love practice.
No more self judgment, no more blame, no more criticism. None of those attitudes are allowed in the divine chamber in our hearts. It is a safe refuge from the storms of life.
Create a safe sacred sanctuary within yourself and you will be sheltered and protected when the inner and outer seas get rough.
Developing a heart centered meditation is essential. If you would like me to send you a meditation, please email me
You are part of this comminity because you have a beautiful heart center that is sacred with it’s one-of-a-kind beauty and brilliance.
You are inspired to take charge of your well-being and devote yourself to actions that support your recovery, discovery and then your full blossoming. You know ( or I hope you know)that you have a unique contribution that only you can bring to our evolving world.
Somewhere inside your heart, you know that you are meant for more happiness, freedom, joy, fun,brilliance,more radiance and more abindance. Somewhere inside you want to be well from within and flow through life with ease and grace.
You may be somewhere on that ladder of climbing out of survival mode or you are already at the top and seeing the light like never before!
If you are at the top, grab the hand of someone that may need your support and help them climb the ladder. We all ascend together!
Wherever you are, meet yourself where you’re at. We are always in a continuous state of expansion and the growth possibilities are endless. Trust your process. You are right where you are meant to be and life is always giving us all the perfect opportunity and challenges we require for our spiritual growth and expansion and for our soul’s purpose. We just need eyes to see it and ears to hear it.
Remember, we are all meant to sparkle and shine with the beauty and brilliance like this rose.
It will only happen when we say yes to our own value and worth and trust our heart’s intuitive knowing.
Start with small yeses. Notice how much happier, more empowered, lighter or how free you feel.and then graduate to bigger yeses and you will be amazed at the ways more abundance of opportunities start showing up. They’ve always been there. You’re just seeing them more clearly.
If when you say yes to what’s true and right for you,you start to feel guilty and the critical voice starts showing up, just say STOP!
Move forward with renewed focus and vision. Focus on what you want your future self to look like, not what you don’t want.
I’d love to hear where you are on the ladder and what you are experiencing as you allow your heart to open like this rose in the warm summer light.
“Keep your heart open because love will find a way!”
Much love and support to each of you! ππ