When I first embarked on my journey, I would spiral back to old patterns and go back to a scarcity mindset about who I am and what I’m capable of.
But eventually, with devotion and practice, I opened my heart to love and developed new neural pathways that freed me from the illusion of scarcity, powerlessness,and a trance of unworthiness.
These new neural pathways are now, like learning a new language becoming my new default. It is easier to stay in that higher heart consciousness.
I say easier, but that does not mean I don’t spiral. I do, but I know how to work with those spirals quickly, transmute the energy and realign with my true essence.
Have you ever felt like you were making progress towards YOUR dreams such as being a more positive person,developing healthy habits such as an eating and exercise routines,mastering an abundance mindset, managing your triggers and then, boom! Do you go back to old patterns?
If you said yes, welcome to this human journey of being perfectly imperfect.
Each spiral “backward” and each “failure” when perceived through the eyes of the heart is a soul wealth opportunity to learn lessons that we need to learn. These opportunities show up to assist us to grow spiritually stronger, develop more gratitude, more patient, forgiving, kinder, more loving forwards ourselves and others,compassionate,wiser,and more enlightened.
In this way, we are accomplishing our soul’s destiny, one shift at a time into higher consciousness.
- Embrace the “hard”
- Expect the spirals
- Show up for what shows up
- Devote yourself to being a student of life
- Keep “failing forward”
- Drop the excuses and storyline that you are not capable of achieving your dreams and becoming your best self
Each of us is encoded with a wealth of spiritual gifts, resources and access to the Source.
Eventually we learn the lesson of our soul and we can graduate to the next level and achieve our dreams from the inside out. It’s spiritual law. It’s not personal. It works every time.