I cannot tell you how many times I hear comments like “He blew me off” of “She screwed me,” “she made me so angry,” “You never show up for me when I need you.” “It is all your fault”. The list goes on and on.
Do you recognize yourself in the “victim mentality”? Do you feel sorry for yourself, blame others and constantly feel like life is out to get you?
It is true, that we live in a culture that is full of this blame mentality. But let me ask you. Does it work for you? Or does it keep you stuck in a negative toxic mindset that drains your energy, your health and others around you?
If you are honest, you will recognize that it keeps you spinning in disease and mind dominant patterns. It is toxic to you and to your relationships.
If you want to shift out of blame and enter into your heart, the most important step you will ever take is to decide is this: to OWN 100 percent of everything you feel, everything that ever happened to you and everything you have done and failed to do and choose to LOVE all of the parts of you back to wholeness. STOP blaming anyone or anything and you will begin to feel your heart more at peace. Accept complete responsibility for EVERYTHING.
This is simple but not easy. Are you ready to take the first step in creating a harmonious,free and happy life? Then start the practice RIGHT NOW and you will see shifts within you and around you. You may need support to do this, but I guarantee it is so WORTH IT!
Sending you support!